Help Project Vivek Vidya take Telugu storybooks to 2000+ children in Telangana

by Deepak foundation in Telangana

  • 2500

    Books Goal
  • 57

    Books Received
  • 0

    Days to go
Raised Percent :
This campaign is not live.
Hyderabad city, India

Know more about us

Who we are

Deepak Foundation was established in 1982, as a CSR initiative of Deepak Nitrite Limited, with a vision of providing healthcare facilities to the families of workers and local communities residing in the industrial area of Nandesari. Over the years Deepak Foundation has expanded its operations to cover not only healthcare facilities but also embarked on various projects to empower women, provide supplementary education and build capacities of varied underprivileged remote communities in Maharashtra, New Delhi, Jharkhand and Telangana.

Our work and its impact

To improve educational outcomes and access to quality learning resources, the Deepak Foundation developed Project Vivek Vidya, a mobile library service that helps underserved children in rural, tribal, and urban areas discover the joy of reading through storybooks.
Direct access to high-quality storybooks in English and regional languages helps children improve their reading and other learning abilities which are crucial for academic success. The primary goal of the programme is to support their cognitive development to help them stay in school.

How we will utilise these books

The funds from the campaign will be used to get multilingual storybooks for Project Vivek Vidya’s mobile libraries. 2000 children aged 6 to 15 in Telangana will get to read age-appropriate storybooks in their mother tongue language of Telugu and improve their reading skills in English as well. Bi-weekly read aloud sessions will be held for children to develop their storytelling skills. Vidya Sathis, which are trained local volunteers will also use the books in their spoken English, basic maths and narrative skills classes.


Name Donate Amount Date
Vivek BG 500 May 31, 2023
Mayuresh and Shilpa 2,000 May 09, 2023
Anonymous 100 April 07, 2023
Geethika Nadakuditi 250 April 07, 2023
Pogonam Nagarani 750 April 06, 2023
P Prathyusha 375 April 05, 2023
Jaimin Prajapati 300 April 05, 2023
Name Donate Amount Date
Vivek BG 500 May 31, 2023
2,000 May 09, 2023
Reecha GAlI 100 April 07, 2023
Geethika Nadakuditi 250 April 07, 2023
Pogonam Nagarani 750 April 06, 2023
P Prathyusha 375 April 05, 2023
Jaimin Prajapati 300 April 05, 2023