Nurturing Minds: Empowering displaced children through books in Lamka, Manipur

by Centre for Community Initiative in Manipur

  • 1500

    Books Goal
  • 367

    Books Received
  • 0

    Days to go
Raised Percent :
This campaign is not live.
Lamka, Churachandpur, India

Know more about us

Who we are

The Centre for Community Initiative (CCI) was established in 2002 to address societal issues and promote welfare for persons with disabilities (PwDs). In 2005, the Secretary started a parents' support group for parents with special needs children, focusing on advocacy and practical support. CCI has since expanded its focus to include livelihood and sustainable development projects for marginalised communities, aiming to create an inclusive and disability-friendly society.

Our work and its impact

The ongoing ethnic clash in Manipur has resulted in the torching of hundreds of villages, leaving tens of thousands homeless. Consequently, internally displaced persons (IDPs) are being sheltered in various relief camps, with children comprising a significant percentage of the total IDP population. The majority of these children are left to fend for themselves, and a considerable number of them are orphans. They spend their days idle as there is no means of education or activities to keep them engaged. This idleness adversely affects their psychological, emotional, and physical well-being.

Amidst this crisis, the Centre for Community Initiative (CCI) conducted a thorough survey and identified that the students in the camps were eager to regain their education and return to their studies. As a response to this pressing need, CCI has established an Inclusive Community Learning Centre (iCLC) for displaced children in Lamka and various camps.

How we will utilise these books

The funds raised through this campaign will be used to provide storybooks from Pratham Books to support the children who have experienced trauma as a result of the ethnic conflicts. Our aim is to reintegrate these children into society through the power of literature and various engaging activities. By providing them with books, we hope to not only keep them occupied but also instil a sense of hope for their future. Additionally, these resources will help their social-emotional development. We anticipate that within 4 to 5 months, the children in the camps will acquire foundational knowledge in numeracy and literacy through these books. Moreover, the books will serve as a means for the children to divert their minds from negative thoughts and engage in useful activities.


Name Donate Amount Date
Nivedita Raitz von Frentz 7,500 October 03, 2023
Anonymous 20,000 September 29, 2023
Anonymous 50 September 13, 2023
Name Donate Amount Date
Nivedita Raitz von Frentz 7,500 October 03, 2023
20,000 September 29, 2023
lakshmi shanmugam 50 September 13, 2023